Migrating from 1.3 to 1.3.1


Backup database and files


Update devilry

1 — Remove the Python Egg cache

For the fix to #444 to work, you have to clear the Python Egg cache. This should not cause any problems, but we will take a backup to be on the safe side.

  1. Locate your buildout cache. If you followed the install guide, it should be in /path/to/devilrybuild/buildoutcache/eggs/.

  2. Move the cache to a safe location:

    $ mv /path/to/devilrybuild/buildoutcache/eggs /my/safe/stash/
    $ mkdir /path/to/devilrybuild/buildoutcache/eggs

Make sure to check that buildoutcache/eggs/ is not empty after step 2 (below). If eggs/ is empty, you found the wrong buildoutcache directory, and you have to repeat steps 1 and 2.


You will probably get a lot of Fortran warnings/errormessages when you run buildout in the next step. This is because the numpy library tries to build stuff with fortran support. This is not a problem for Devilry - we do not use any of the sub-modules that need Fortran.

2 — Update to v1.3 step 1-3

Update REVISION to v1.3.1 using the instructions in the update guide, but stop after step 3 (do not restart supervisord).

3 — Apply the initial South migrations

Run the following commands to add the new South database tables, and fake the migrations to the current database state:

$ cd /path/to/devilrybuild
$ bin/django.py syncdb
$ bin/django.py migrate core 0001 --fake
$ bin/django.py migrate devilry_qualifiesforexam 0001 --fake
$ bin/django.py migrate devilry_qualifiesforexam_points 0001 --fake
$ bin/django.py migrate devilry_qualifiesforexam_approved 0001 --fake


We need to fake the migrations because we did not use South when the database was intially created. You can read more about South initial in their docs.

4 — Restart the servers

Restart the appservers as explained in step 4 in the update guide.