Migrating from 1.1 to 1.2.1

See also


Stop Devilry

Stop any running Devilry-server.

Backup database and files


Dump your current database schema

We will use this for database migration later, so take good care of it:

$ bin/django_production.py sqlall core > ~/devilry-database-1.1.sql

Setup Devilry using the new deployment pattern

We are in the process of making Devilry far more sysadmin-friendly. A separate documentation project is part of that. Another part is a deployment pattern inspired heavily by Plone.

The only thing you should take with you from 1.1 to 1.2.1 is:

  • The database.
  • The deliverystore (files uploaded by students).
  • Some of the settings (database, email, ...)

To achieve this, you should follow the Build Devilry guide, but ignore the the following sections in favor of alternatives from this guide:

Migrate the settings

Use the suggested starting point for devilry_prod_settings.py, and copy in the values you used previously for each setting.

Migrate the database

Dump the new database schema:

$ cd devilrybuild/
$ bin/django.py sqlall core > ~/devilry-database-1.2.1.sql

Let Devilry create any new database tables (this creates any new tables, but does not change existing tables):

$ bin/django.py syncdb

Migrate the new and changed database fields manually by diffing ~/devilry-database-1.1.sql and ~/devilry-database-1.2.1.sql.

Post update actions

Provide help for your users

The new Devilry subjectadmin UI expects you to use the Help-links app introduced in 1.1 to provide guides for them to get started. It has two sections on the dashboard:

  • Interractive guides — Built-in guides that you can not configure.
  • More guides and help — Click your username in the header, and see under the Help-heading.

This means that you will get frustrated users unless you add Help-links. Login as a superuser and choose the superuser role on the frontpage to go to the admin-panel where you can edit help-links. We suggest that you add the following Help-links for all roles:

https://devilry-userdoc.readthedocs.org/ — Official Devilry user documentation

You should also add any other guides that can make Devilry more user-friendly for your users. The most important such local guide is most likely an overview of how Devilry intergrates itself with your environment (where do users come from, and how are the assigned roles).