.. _update: ============== Update Devilry ============== .. warning:: These are general instructions that work if we only have code changes. Refer to the migration guide for each new version for the correct instructions. .. note:: Remember that you should run all these commands as the system user you created in the :ref:`Build Devilry guide `. The exception is, of course, stopping/starting Supervisord if you use an init script. 1. Update the ``REVISION`` in the ``extends``-attribute in the ``[buildout]`` section of your ``buildout.cfg`` as explained in :ref:`configure_buildout`. 2. Stop Supervisord. If you did not setup an init-script, you can use the PID-file in ``/path/to/devilrybuild/var/supervisord.pid`` unless you have configured it to be somewhere else. See: :ref:`supervisord-configure`. 3. Run buildout:: $ bin/buildout "buildout:parts=download-devilryrepo" && bin/buildout $ bin/django.py collectstatic --noinput 4. Start Supervisord. If you have not created an init-script (see See: :ref:`supervisord-configure`), start Supervisord manually as explained in :ref:`run-supervisord-for-production`.