Build Devilry

Devilry does not come pre-packaged. Instead, we deploy using buildout. There is several reasons for that:

  • It is easier to maintain deployment through buildout.
  • It is easier to customize Devilry when we do not have to force defaults on people. With the current method of deployment, admins can easily intergrate local devilry addons.
  • The method we are using seems to work very well for the Plone CMS.

What this means for you is that you have to setup a very minimal buildout-config instead of downloading an archive and unzipping it.

Create a system user for Devilry

You should run Devilry as a non-privledged user. We suggest you name the user something like devilryrunner. Run all commands in this documentation as this user unless stated otherwise.

Configure buildout

Create a directory that will be used to configure your Devilry build:

$ mkdir devilrybuild

Create a configuration file named buildout.cfg in the directory. Add the following to the configuration file:

extends =

Replace REVISION (in the extends url) with the Devilry version you want to use (E.g.: v1.2.1). See the tag listing on github for a list of all releases, and refer to The releasenotes listing for the information about each release.

Install required system packages

See Required system packages.

Initialize the buildout

CD to the directory and run the following commands to download Devilry and all dependencies into a Python virtualenv. The end result is a selfcontained devilry build that only depends on the availability of a compatible Python interpreter to run. The virtualenv is not affected by other Python packages installed globally:

$ cd devilrybuild/
$ mkdir -p buildoutcache/dlcache
$ virtualenv --no-site-packages .
$ bin/easy_install zc.buildout
$ bin/buildout "buildout:parts=download-devilryrepo" && bin/buildout

Configure Devilry

To configure Devilry, you need to create a Python module containing a config-file named First create a directory for your Devilry configurations:

$ mkdir /etc/devilry

turn the directory into a Python module:

$ touch /etc/devilry/

and add your own to the directory. This is a good starting point:

# Import the default settings from devilry
from devilry_settings.default_settings import *

# Configure the database
DATABASES["default"] = {
    'ENGINE': 'django.db.backends.postgresql_psycopg2',
    'NAME': 'djangodb',
    'USER': 'djangouser',
    'PASSWORD': 'supersecret',
    'HOST': 'localhost',

# Make Devilry speak in typical university terms (semester instead of period, ...)
INSTALLED_APPS += ['devilry_university_translations']
DEVILRY_JAVASCRIPT_LOCALE_OVERRIDE_APPS = ('devilry_university_translations',)

# Email settings

#: Default from email - students receive emails from this address when they make deliveries

#: The URL that is used to link back to devilry from emails

#: Configure an email backend (see the docs for more info)
#EMAIL_BACKEND = 'django.core.mail.backends.smtp.EmailBackend'

# Other settings

#: Where should Devilry store your files

#: Randomize this, and keep it secret
SECRET_KEY = '+g$%**q(w78xqa_2)(_+%v8d)he-b_^@d*pqhq!#2p*a7*9e9h'

#: Turn this on if you need to debug Devilry
DEBUG = False

#: Change this to the name of the system which you fetch data into Devilry from.
DEVILRY_SYNCSYSTEM = 'The Devilry demo syncsystem'

#: Url where users are directed when they do not have the permissions they believe they should have.

#: Url where users are directed when they want to know what to do if their personal info in Devilry is wrong.

#: Deadline handling method:
#:    0: Soft deadlines
#:    1: Hard deadlines

The config-file can contain any official Django settings, and Devilry provides some extra settings that should be useful:

Create the database

When you have configured a database in, you can use the following command to create your database:

$ cd /path/to/devilrybuild
$ bin/ syncdb

The script will ask you to create a superuser. Choose a strong password - this user will have complete access to everything in Devilry.

Test the install

See Debug problems.

Setup Devilry for production

Collect all static files in the static/-subdirectory:

$ bin/ collectstatic

Make sure all services work as excpected

All Devilry services is controlled to Supervisord. This does not include your database or webserver.

To run supervisord in the foreground for testing/debugging, enable DEBUG-mode (see Debug problems), and run:

$ bin/supervisord -n

Make sure you disable DEBUG-mode afterwards.

Run Supervisord for production

To run supervisord in the background with a PID, run:

$ bin/supervisord

See Configure supervisord (logging, pidfile, ...) to see and configure where the PID-file is written, and for an init-script example.


Do NOT run supervisord as root. Run it as an unpriviledged used, preferably a user that is only used for Devilry. Use the supervisord-user, as shown in Configure supervisord (logging, pidfile, ...), to define a user if running supervisord as root.

Configure your webserver

You need to configure your webserver to act as a reverse proxy for all URLS except for the /static/-url. The proxy should forward requests to the Devilry WSGI server (gunicorn). Gunicorn runs on

The webserver should use SSL.